
City: Landau

Country: Germany

State: Rhineland-Palentine


Opend 2004


Species 125

Allways been fascinated by reptiles, or are you afraid of them? Then this is your place with one of Germanys best Terrariums showing kreepy snakes and beautyfull coloured reptiles

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2012

Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 1
D 76829 Landau in der Pfalz


Phone nr 06341-5100-0

Open 10am-6pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 16,50 Euro
  • Child 11,50 Euro
  • Familly* 54,- Euro
*Famillycards are valid for 2 adults and 2 children, each aditional child cost 7,50 Euro

Annual card

  • Adult 44,90 Euro 
  • Child 34,90 Euro

There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station.

In the exciting desert camp of the zoo, the fascinating snakes eggs, which can be observed during swallowing of eggs, or Apothekerskinke, which is just fine in the sand "burying" and then crawl under the surface of life.
From Asia, various reptiles and amphibians are housed in socialization - here live from the Asian rainforest various tree frog species and water dragons and Green Iguanas from the South American rainforest
In the exciting desert camp of the zoo, the fascinating snakes eggs, which can be observed during swallowing of eggs, or Apothekerskinke, which is just fine in the sand "burying" and then crawl under the surface of life.
From Asia, various reptiles and amphibians are housed in socialization - here live from the Asian rainforest various tree frog species and water dragons and Green Iguanas from the South American rainforest
In the exciting desert camp of the zoo, the fascinating snakes eggs, which can be observed during swallowing of eggs, or Apothekerskinke, which is just fine in the sand "burying" and then crawl under the surface of life.
From Asia, various reptiles and amphibians are housed in socialization - here live from the Asian rainforest various tree frog species and water dragons and Green Iguanas from the South American rainforest
Map 2013
The Landauer Reptilium offers two large halls with different equipt terrariums as a new habitat for wildlife. Already at the beginning is a large attractive incubation or baby station. Here the reptiles babies and breeding projects are managed in special incubators. Visitors can see through glass descendants of geckos, snakes and Agamas etc. while they clutch out of eggs. In the terrarium hall various reptile species from the continents of America, Africa, Asia and Australia are found in tropical temperatures. The animals are socialized in the same biotope as would be in the wild. On display are a variety of large pythons, such as Madagascar ground boas, Boa constrictors, yellow anacondas and also the impressive Indian pythons. Also presented are Berber skinks, Chuckwalla and desert spiny lizards and as well blue rock iguanas from the North American desert. In similar habitats from East Africa  you find pancacke tortois, commen agama and plated lizards. In the exciting desert camp of the zoo you find the fascinating egg snakes, which can be observed during swallowing of eggs, or sandfish, which just burry them selfs in fine sand and then crawl under the soil. From Asia, various reptiles and amphibians are housed in the same terrarium - here live from the Asian rainforest various tree frog species and water dragons and Green Iguanas from the South American rainforest. The 60 sqm large aqua terrarium at the terrarium Hall is home for the dwarf crocodiles that swim together with the impressive Arrau turtles. You can watch the animals on as well as under water as a visitor. An exceptionally beautiful reptile is the green tree python and sail lizards can achieve an incredible body length of up to 1.30 mtr. In the amphibian terrariums various animals are kept, the cause of their particular way of life is of great biological interest. Here you can meet the extremely poisonous dart frogs in humid environment, the Indians use their poison for their hunting arrows. On the way to the desert hall is the first German noctural reptile house. Here the day turns to night. Under black light live nocturnal reptiles - such as eg the poisonous Gila monsters and beaded lizards. The 600 square meter desert hall simulates a stone desert. All around are in different terrariums impressive reptiles like the giant rock monitor,  rhinoceros iguanas and the Argentine red tegus. In summer time there is an outdoor exhibition with European reptiles and amphibians

DE: Dieses vielleicht beste Terrarium in Deutschland zeigt insbesonders reptilien wie Warane, Tejus und Riesenschlangen. Einzigartig ist der Nachtzoo für Reptilien

DK: Dette er måske Tysklands beste terrarie som især viser krybdyr som varaner, teguer og kvælerslanger. Enestående er en nattezoo for krybdyr
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